Monday, April 16, 2012

it's been more than a year?

I. Am. Back.
I can't believe I let our little blog go more than a year without a new post! Not for the lack of things happening in our life, that's for sure. Let me make a list....
1. Moved to Salt Lake City for the summer
2. John completed an externship for the prosecutor Taylorsville Utah.
3.The girls and I walked to IKEA A LOT
4. Lily Coupe turned 3 years old while still in Utah.
5. Came back to Lansing Michigan
6. Moved to East lansing Michigan, into what is know as the "Mormon Colony"
7. John began his 2nd Year at Michigan State Law.
8. our Sweet baby Alyce Genesee Coupe turned One year old!
9. Reagan Mariecela Coupe started preschool!
10. John and I celebrated our 8 year wedding anniversary:)
11. AnnaLily Consuelo Coupe started preschool!
12. I simply can't leave this out, since it really was one of the biggest things to happen to our family. John's brother, Joseph Paul Evans passed away. Definitely the hardest time of my husbands life, and the very most helpless I have felt in a long time.
What a year this has been.
I'm back to document the day to day things that my sweet girls do and say. Because after all, they are the reason I started blogging in the first place.


mameelynn said...

Glad to see you back!! I also let it go way to long on our little blog! Here's to another go at the blogs... Good luck!

Jessica said...

Yay!! A new post! And a great one at that. I love you and your sweet family.

Marianne & Clayton said...

I'm so glad you haven't given up your blog! Especially since we have to leave you soon. (Booooo) I will definitely need to see lots of pictures of your beautiful girls.