Monday, May 7, 2012

Just the start of very sad goodbyes....

our first dose of goodbyes, Brandon Wood and Eric Helgesson 2011

Jamie Helgesson...i miss this girl.
a little cheerleading pose never hurt

James and Britani Frampton.

Melissa Oliver, Kayli Keough, Jessica Allee, Alisa Hutchison, Ashley Stevens, Kim  Bowles, Jody Evans, ME, Marianne Firth, Angela Johnson, Laurie Johnson, Jessica Andersen, Marisa Christenson, Erica Hampton, Sarah Stradley, Amy Nielson

Liam Keough(law school), Romney Stevens(PhD)Doug Andersen (med school), Steven Stradley(masters)Chad Christenson(med school),John Coupe(law school), Clayton Firth(law school)

our sweet Leah Bowles.  Alyce's first friend protecter and kindred spirit.

Amy, me, and Kayli

Chad, Clayton, Steven, John, Timmy, and Bennett

Me, Reagan, Angela, Bennett, and Marianne

We are very fortunate to live amongst the most wonderful of friends.  We all seem to be going through the exact same circumstances at this time in our lives.  We have moved to Michigan for higher education, whether it be for Law school, Medical school, Business school, or even PhD's.  We all have moved our families away from our families, and find ourselves relying on our friends and most of all our faith more than ever.  Every August brings a new set of lovely friends, and with that every May brings a flood of goodbyes.  This year we are losing some of the very best.  The Firth's, the Nielson's, the Bowles, the Steven's, the Clark's, the Abenroth's, the Framptons, and please don't tell me I forgot anyone!  (it will just be too sad) here are some pictures of last years goodbyes and this year as well.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Loved this post.